Visual Studio Docker

2 days ago  This tutorial provides instructions for how to create a container application using Microsoft. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and deploy it to the DE10-Nano. In this tutorial, you will learn you learn how to: Set up Visual Studio Code for developing an IoT Edge container application; Set up a cross-compiling environment with buildx. The Docker extension includes several Visual Studio Code tasks to control the behavior of Docker build and run, and form the basis of container startup for debugging. The tasks allow for a great deal of control and customization.

Microsoft Visual Studio Download


Docker Compose is a tool that was developed to help define and share multi-container applications. With Compose, you can create a YAML file to define the services and with a single command, can spin everything up or tear it all down.

The big advantage of using Compose is you can define your application stack in a file, keep it at the root of your project repo (it's now version controlled), and easily enable someone else to contribute to your project. Someone would only need to clone your repo and start the compose app. In fact, you might see quite a few projects on GitHub/GitLab doing exactly this now.

So, how do you get started?

Install Docker Compose

If you installed Docker Desktop for either Windows or Mac, you already have Docker Compose! Play-with-Docker instances already have Docker Compose installed as well. If you are on a Linux machine, you will need to install Docker Compose using the instructions here.

After installation, you should be able to run the following and see version information.

Create the compose file

  1. At the root of the app project, create a file named docker-compose.yml.

  2. In the compose file, we'll start off by defining the schema version. In most cases, it's best to use the latest supported version. You can look at the Compose file reference for the current schema versions and the compatibility matrix.

  3. Next, define the list of services (or containers) you want to run as part of your application.

And now, you'll start migrating a service at a time into the compose file.

Define the App Service

To remember, this was the command you used to define your app container (replace the characters with ` in Windows PowerShell).

  1. First, define the service entry and the image for the container. You can pick any name for the service. The name will automatically become a network alias, which will be useful when defining the MySQL service.

  2. Typically, you'll see the command close to the image definition, although there is no requirement on ordering. So, go ahead and move that into the file.

  3. Migrate the -p 3000:3000 part of the command by defining the ports for the service. You'll use the short syntax here, but there is also a more verbose long syntax available as well.

  4. Next, migrate both the working directory (-w /app) and the volume mapping (-v ${PWD}:/app) by using the working_dir and volumes definitions. Volumes also has a short and long syntax.

    One advantage of Docker Compose volume definitions is you can use relative paths from the current directory.

  5. Finally, migrate the environment variable definitions using the environment key.

Visual Studio Docker C++

Define the MySQL service

Now, it's time to define the MySQL service. The command that you used for that container was the following (replace the characters with ` in Windows PowerShell):

  1. First, define the new service and name it mysql so it automatically gets the network alias. Specify the image to use as well.

  2. Next, define the volume mapping. When you ran the container with docker run, the named volume was created automatically. However, that doesn't happen when running with Compose. You need to define the volume in the top-level volumes: section and then specify the mountpoint in the service config. By simply providing only the volume name, the default options are used. There are many more options available though.

  3. Finally, you only need to specify the environment variables.

At this point, the complete docker-compose.yml should look like this:

Run the application stack

Now that you have the docker-compose.yml file, you can start it up!

  1. First, make sure no other copies of the app and database are running (docker ps and docker rm -f <ids>).

  2. Start up the application stack using the docker-compose up command. Add the -d flag to run everything in the background. Alternatively, you can right-click on your Compose file and select the Compose Up option for the VS Code side bar.

    When you run this, you should see output like this:

    You'll notice that the volume was created as well as a network! By default, Docker Compose automatically creates a network specifically for the application stack (which is why you didn't define one in the compose file).

  3. Look at the logs using the docker-compose logs -f command. You'll see the logs from each of the services interleaved into a single stream. This is incredibly useful when you want to watch for timing-related issues. The -f flag 'follows' the log, so will give you live output as it's generated.

    If you don't already, you'll see output that looks like this:

    The service name is displayed at the beginning of the line (often colored) to help distinguish messages. If you want to view the logs for a specific service, you can add the service name to the end of the logs command (for example, docker-compose logs -f app).


    Waiting for the DB before starting the appWhen the app is starting up, it actually sits and waits for MySQL to be up and ready before trying to connect to it.Docker doesn't have any built-in support to wait for another container to be fully up, running, and ready before starting another container. For Node-based projects, you can use the wait-port dependency. Similar projects exist for other languages/frameworks.

  4. At this point, you should be able to open your app and see it running. And hey! You're down to a single command!

See the app stack in the Docker extension

If you look at the Docker extension, you can change the grouping options using the 'cog' and 'group by'. In this instance, you want to see containers grouped by Compose Project name:

If you twirl down the network, you will see the two containers you defined in the compose file.

Tear it all down

When you're ready to tear it all down, simply run docker-compose down, or right-click on the application in the containers list in the VS Code Docker extension and select Compose Down. The containers will stop and the network will be removed.


Removing VolumesBy default, named volumes in your compose file are NOT removed when running docker-compose down. If you want to remove the volumes, you will need to add the --volumes flag.

Visual Studio Docker Container

Once torn down, you can switch to another project, run docker-compose up and be ready to contribute to that project! It really doesn't get much simpler than that!


In this section, you learned about Docker Compose and how it helps dramatically simplify the defining and sharing of multi-service applications. You created a Compose file by translating the commands you were using into the appropriate compose format.

At this point, you're starting to wrap up the tutorial. However, there are a few best practices about image building to cover, as there is a big issue with the Dockerfile you've been using. So, let's take a look!

Next steps

Continue with the tutorial!


The tools included in Visual Studio for developing with containers are easy to use, and greatly simplify building, debugging, and deployment for containerized applications. You can work with a container for a single project, or use container orchestration with Docker Compose, Service Fabric, or Kubernetes to work with multiple services in containers.


  • Visual Studio 2017 with the Web Development, Azure Tools workload, and/or .NET Core cross-platform development workload installed
  • To publish to Azure Container Registry, an Azure subscription. Sign up for a free trial.

Docker support in Visual Studio

Docker support is available for ASP.NET projects, ASP.NET Core projects, and .NET Core and .NET Framework console projects.

Visual studio community

The support for Docker in Visual Studio has changed over a number of releases in response to customer needs. There are two levels of Docker support you can add to a project, and the supported options vary by the type of project and the version of Visual Studio. With some supported project types, if you just want a container for a single project, without using orchestration, you can do that by adding Docker support. The next level is container orchestration support, which adds appropriate support files for the particular orchestrator you choose.

With Visual Studio 2017, you can use Docker Compose and Service Fabric as container orchestration services. You can also use Kubernetes if you install the Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes.


If you are using a version of Visual Studio 2017 prior to 15.8, or you are using the .NET Framework project template (not .NET Core), when you add Docker support, orchestration support using Docker Compose is added automatically. Container orchestration support, via Docker Compose, is added automatically in Visual Studio 2017 versions 15.0 to 15.7 and for .NET Framework projects.


  • Visual Studio 2019 with the Web Development, Azure Tools workload, and/or .NET Core cross-platform development workload installed
  • .NET Core Development Tools for development with .NET Core.
  • To publish to Azure Container Registry, an Azure subscription. Sign up for a free trial.

Docker support in Visual Studio

Update for linksys wrt54g. Docker support is available for ASP.NET projects, ASP.NET Core projects, and .NET Core and .NET Framework console projects.

The support for Docker in Visual Studio has changed over a number of releases in response to customer needs. There are two levels of Docker support you can add to a project, and the supported options vary by the type of project and the version of Visual Studio. With some supported project types, if you just want a container for a single project, without using orchestration, you can do that by adding Docker support. The next level is container orchestration support, which adds appropriate support files for the particular orchestrator you choose.

With Visual Studio 2019, you can use Docker Compose, Kubernetes, and Service Fabric as container orchestration services.


If you are using the full .NET Framework console project template, the supported option is Add Container Orchestrator support after project creation, with options to use Service Fabric or Docker Compose. Adding support at project creation and Add Docker support for a single project without orchestration are not available options.

Visual studio docker ssl

In Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 and later, the Containers window is available, which lets you view running containers, browse available images, view environment variables, logs, and port mappings, inspect the filesystem, attach a debugger, or open a terminal window inside the container environment. See View and diagnose containers and images in Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Docker Environment Variables

Adding Docker support

You can enable Docker support during project creation by selecting Enable Docker Support when creating a new project, as shown in the following screenshot:


For .NET Framework projects (not .NET Core), only Windows containers are available.

You can add Docker support to an existing project by selecting Add > Docker Support in Solution Explorer. The Add > Docker Support and Add > Container Orchestrator Support commands are located on the right-click menu (or context menu) of the project node for an ASP.NET Core project in Solution Explorer, as shown in the following screenshot:

When you add or enable Docker support, Visual Studio adds the following to the project:

  • a Dockerfile file
  • a .dockerignore file
  • a NuGet package reference to the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Containers.Tools.Targets

The solution looks like this once you add Docker support:


When you enable Docker support during project creation for a ASP.NET project (.NET Framework, not a .NET Core project) as shown in the following screenshot, container orchestration support is also added.

Docker Compose support

When you want to compose a multi-container solution using Docker Compose, add container orchestration support to your projects. This lets you run and debug a group of containers (a whole solution or group of projects) at the same time if they're defined in the same docker-compose.yml file.

To add container orchestration support using Docker Compose, right-click on the solution or project node in Solution Explorer, and choose Add > Container Orchestration Support. Then choose Docker Compose to manage the containers.

After you add container orchestration support to your project, you see a Dockerfile added to the project (if there wasn't one there already) and a docker-compose folder added to the solution in Solution Explorer, as shown here:

If docker-compose.yml already exists, Visual Studio just adds the required lines of configuration code to it.

Repeat the process with the other projects that you want to control using Docker Compose.

Kubernetes support

To add Kubernetes support, install the Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes.

With Kubernetes support, you can enable a connection between your local project and a Kubernetes cluster running in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and thereby modify and debug your services running using Visual Studio. This service is provided by Bridge to Kubernetes. Bridge to Kubernetes also lets you set up separate branches of your Kubernetes services for development purposes, so you can efficiently isolate production services from working versions in development, and keep distinct modifications cleanly separated from each other.

To add Kubernetes support to your projects, choose Kubernetes/Helm when you add container orchestration support. Several files are added to your project, including Helm charts which describe the structure of your Kubernetes services. To get started with Bridge to Kubernetes, see Use Bridge to Kubernetes.


Service Fabric support

With Service Fabric tools in Visual Studio, you can develop and debug for Azure Service Fabric, run and debug locally, and deploy to Azure.

Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 and later with the Azure development workload installed supports developing containerized microservices using Windows containers and Service Fabric orchestration.

Visual Studio 2019 supports developing containerized microservices using Windows containers and Service Fabric orchestration.

For a detailed tutorial, seeTutorial: Deploy a .NET application in a Windows container to Azure Service Fabric.

Visual Studio Docker Gcc

For more information on Azure Service Fabric, see Service Fabric.

Continuous delivery and continuous integration (CI/CD)

Visual Studio integrates readily with Azure Pipelines for automated and continuous integration and delivery of changes to your service code and configuration. To get started, see Create your first pipeline.

For Service Fabric, see Tutorial: Deploy your ASP.NET Core app to Azure Service Fabric by using Azure DevOps Projects.

Visual Studio Code Docker

For Kubernetes, see Deploy a Docker container app to Azure Kubernetes Service.

Visual Studio Docker Compose

Next steps

For further details on the services implementation and use of Visual Studio tools for working with containers, read the following articles: